THE SEVILLE STATEMENT ON VIOLENCE "The same species who invented war is capable of inventing peace" Support Network. c/o Riitta Wahlstrom, University of Jyvaskyla, Box 35, 40351 Jyvaskyla, Finland, tel +35841603741, fax +35841603621, Emai1 The Seville Statement on Violence NEWSLETTER, Volume 9, Number 3, April 1994. Dear Readers, It has been a great delight to get so much mail for this newsletter. The Director-General of UNESCO has sent us a letter in which he speaks of the importance or UNESCO’s new Culture of Peace Programme. He writes: "Just as the Seville Statement on Violence con be said to 'prepare the ground for the constructing of peace,' now the Culture of Peace Programme has the task of helping people begin the work of construction." Professor David Adams is now a senior programme specialist for the Programme and works at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. I enclose the Director-General's letter. Professor emeritus Michael Nagler responds to the proposal of Prof. Genoves in the last Newsletter for the next research agenda, the labyrinthine cultural aspects and processes of violence". According to Professor Nagler’s letter, this is indeed a worthwhile topic to pursue, and one which he has worked on for some time with support from the Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation of the University or California and Mac Arthur Foundation. Nagler writes how important it is to investigate the cultural and other processes of non-violence. Very important letters come from Martha Low and Christopher Renner (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages). Ms. Low is Choir of the TESOL Rules and Resolution Committee and Mr. Renner is from TESOL in Italy. TESOL has considered a resolution for endorsement of the Seville Statement on Violence. The resolution is enclosed in this Newsletter, along with an encouraging and interesting discussion, as published in the TESOL-Italy Newsletter (January 1994). The Seville Statement has recently been published in two books: Educacion para la Paz by HICKS (Ediciones Morala S.L. Madrid) in Spanish; and L'education a la paix by Centre National de Documentation pedagogique in French.