Ventrobasal Thalamus Necessary for Visually-Released Defensive Boxing of Rat Table 2: Complete Results Page 10

Group* AnimalΦ Initial postop± Facial Anes§ FA + CE FA + IE# Other Structures Damaged**
Thres. % Comp. % Comp.     % Comp.  % Comp. Completely   Partially        

Complete bilateral lesion of ventrobasal thalamus
1. .10 24 UPT 0 none -- -- -- -- PF, MD LG, LTN, PVG, ML
2. .20 23 UPT 0 none -- -- -- -- PF, ML LG, PVG
3. .20 15 UPT 0 none -- -- -- -- PF, LTN, PT LG, PVG, MD
5. .35 11 UPT 4 UPB -- -- -- -- - ML
6. .10 18 UPT 0 P -- -- -- -- PF LTN
7. .09 35 UPT 0 none -- -- -- -- PF LTN, ML, MD
8. .15 28 UPT 0 none -- -- -- -- LTH PF, ML, MD
9. .10 32 UPT 0 none -- -- -- -- PF LTN, PVG, MD
Complete unilateral lesion of ventrobasal thalamus
12. .32 12 UPT (not tested) 7 UP 0 B ML LTN
15. .10 28 UPT 16 UP 7 UP 0 none PF, LTN ML
Complete bilateral lesion of medial lemniscus
16. .32 22 UPT 0 none -- -- -- -- -- SN
Partial bilateral lesion of ventrobasal thalamus
4. .07 28 UPT 5 UPB -- -- -- -- -- MD
11. .20 20 UPT 19 UP -- -- -- -- PF LTN, PVG, MD
Partial unilateral lesion of ventrobasal thalamus
13. .10 41 UPT (not tested) (not tested) 19 UP -- PF, LTN
14. .34 25 UPT 11 UPB 15 UP 12 UP -- PF
Control or sham lesions (no damage to ventrobasal or medial thalamus)
10. .05 20 UPT 26 UPB -- -- -- -- -- PF, LTN
20. .10 36 UPT 17 UP -- -- -- PF MD
17. .09 11 UPT 7 UPB -- -- -- -- -- --
18. .15 28 UPT 20 UPB -- -- -- -- -- --
19. .13 29 UPT 27 UP -- -- -- -- -- --

* Groups for purposes of this table are based on post-hoc histological data.

Φ Animals 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16 and 20 were 'experienced.' All others were 'naive' prior to brain surgery.

± Thresh.= boxing threshold; %=percent of shocks on which boxing occurred; Comp. = components of boxing; U = upright posture present; P = paw movements present; T = Tracking present; B = test animal bitten by normal opponent.

§ Data from initial test with facial anesthesia; no eye closure. Symbols as above.

Data from test with facial anesthesia and closure of contralateral eye. Symbols as above.

# Data from test with facial anesthesia and closure of ipsilateral eye. Symbols as above.

** Neural structures: PF = parafascicular nucleus; LG = lateral geniculate nucleus; LTN = lateral thalamic nucleus; PVG = periventricular gray; ML = medial lemniscus; MD = nucleus medialis dorsalis; SN = substantia nigra; PT = pretectum.

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