I. Importance for Jesus

References to evil spirits and to Satan creep into every aspect of the speech and activities of Jesus. Out of the twenty or so healings effected by him in the synoptic gospels, six of these are by the exorcism of demons. There are references to Jesus performing many exorcisms of demons in the crowds of people that followed him.(1) Among the parables spoken by Jesus three have direct reference to Satan or to unclean spirits.(2) Jesus begins his ministry after a temptation by Satan,(3) and during the course of the gospels, Judas,(4) Peter,(5) and John the Baptist (6) are all mentioned in conjunction with evil spirits or Satan. The original version of the Lord's prayer concluded with the words "deliver us from evil."(7) The last supper with the disciples includes a prayer to "keep them from the evil one."(8) And, perhaps most important of all, the greatest power Jesus gives to his disciples is the ability to cast out demons.(9)

Before we consider the role of demonology in the life of Jesus, we must spend some time with the characteristics of evil spirits and Satan in general. It will be the attempt of the succeeding pages to provide answers for the following questions:


1. Mark 1:34, 1:39, 3:12, 16:9. Matthew 4:24, 8:16. Luke 4:41, 6:18, 7:21, 8:2, 13:31.
2. Mark 4:14. Matthew 12:43, 13:19, 13:38. Luke 11:24,8:12.
3. Mark 1:13. Matthew 4:1. Luke 4:1.
4. Luke 22:3. John 6:70, 13:27.
5. Mark 8:33. Matthew 16:23. Luke 22:31.
6. Matthew 11:18. Luke 7:33.
7. Matthew 6:13. Luke 11:4.
8. John 17:15. 9. Mark 3:15, 6:7, 6:13, 16:17. Matthew 10:1, 10:8. Luke 9:1, 10:17.

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