A Statistical Analysis of the Social Behavior of the Male Stumptail Macaque(Macaca arctoides)
Figure 6. Flow charts of betweenn-animal sequences for offense, defense and submission. Page 17
between-animal sequences of offense, defense and submission

All of the 17 significantly nonrandom between-animal sequences of acts and postures related to offense, defense, and submission that occurred more than twice have been illustrated (See Table IV). In addition, most of the triads of behaviors that occurred more often than expected by chance are illustrated. The obtained-to-expected ratios for dyads are shown adjacent to the arrows between the two behaviors in the dyad. The obtained-to-expected ratios for triads are shown adjacent to the behavior which was the center of the three involved; within-animal ratios are shown on the outside and between-animal ratios shown on the inside of each figure. Ratios for dyads that were not statistically significant and for triads that included nonsignificant dyads are shown in parentheses; such data are not shown in the tables. Vocalizations and facial expressions that occurred at greater than chance levels following the particular act or posture of the opponent are illustrated by large dashed circles around the acts and postures with which they were associated. 6A) Dominant-subordinate interactions in which the subordinate crouched. 6B) Dominant-subordinate interactions in which the subordinate remained standing. 6C) Dominant-subordinate interactions in which the subordinate immediately fled upon approach of the dominant. 6D) Dominant-dominant interactions.

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