
The European University Centre for Peace Studies contributes to the development of a global culture of peace through training and improving individual capacities in peacemaking and conflict resolution. It was established in 1989 with the help of the Austrian National Commission and representatives of universities and peace research institutions. With support from UNESCO, the Centre offers 3-month postgraduate programmes, including some sixty courses in Peace and Development studies to students from all over the world, including at least half from developing countries. The European University Centre for Peace Studies is located at the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution in Schlaining, Austria, which conducts research, and hosts frequent conferences and training programmes for peace, including the well-known International Training Programme for Civilian Peace Keeping and Peace Building.

C�te d'Ivoire

'It is our duty to do everything possible without delay to invent the commitment to peace - the culture of peace' - with these words, President Henri Konan B�di� of C�te d'Ivoire opened a seminar on this subject sponsored by the National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO regional office in June 1995. The seminar united representatives from neighbouring countries, as well as from C�te d'Ivoire in reflecting how religious and political leaders, the media, women and youth can be enlisted in the quest for a culture of peace in the sub region.


The Government of Jamaica invited UNESCO's office in Kingston to assist in

their efforts to find solutions to the rapid explosion of violence and the deterioration of attitudes and values. From this collaboration a national consultation was held in February 1994. To facilitate the consultation, the government adjourned parliament for a day in order that all parliamentarians could participate. Some 1400 persons participated, including the Church, the Judiciary, community leaders, teachers, health workers, representatives of the security forces, youth organizations, the media and women's groups. The meeting was said to be the largest workshop ever organized in Jamaica.
The response to the workshop was overwhelming. It was carried live by the electronic media and stimulated a flood of letters to the press on questions of values and attitudes and peace. Since that national consultation, five regional ones have been held where the matter of the establishment of peace and its maintenance has been taken to communities for action at a local level.
Fourteen projects have been formulated with the objectives of preventing alienation, crime and violence, especially among youth, both in and out of school, and rehabilitating those who have served in correctional institutions. The UNESCO Kingston office organized a donors meeting with agencies of the United Nations system, bilateral agencies, foreign embassies, the private sector and selected NGOs, from which a number of projects received support.


In order to deepen democracy and enhance a culture of peace, the Malawi National Commission for UNESCO, in coordination with national organizations of Catholics, Protestants and Moslems, is conducting initiatives of civic education during the present period of transition from one party rule to multi-party democracy.


It is our duty to do everything possible without delay to invent the commitment to peace - the culture of peace'
President Henri Konan B�di� of C�te D'Ivoire

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