Select Bibliography
Erikson, Erik H., Childhood and Society, Norton, 1950.
Fenichel, Otto, The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis, New York, 1945.
Freud, Anna, The Ego and Mechanisms of Defense, New York, 1946.
Freud, Sigmund, "A Neurosis of Demoniacal Possession in the Seventeenth Century," Collected Papers, Volume IV, London, 1925.
Freud, Sigmund, Totem and Taboo, New York, 1938.
Langton, Edward, Essentials of Demonology, London, 1949.
McCasland, Selby, By the Finger of God, 1951.
The Apocrypha, translated by E. Goodspeed, New York, 1959.
The Bible, King James Translation.
The Bible, Revised Standard Version.
I. Enoch, translated by R. H. Charles, Oxford, 1912.
The Interpreter's Bible, Volumes VII and VIII, New York, 1951.
Book of Jubilees, translated by R. H. Charles, London, 1902.
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