Draft Culture of Peace Programme in Mozambique 6

1. The Steering Committee

At the beginning of the Programme, a Steering Committee was constituted under the presidency of Ms. Graça Machel, President of the National Commission for UNESCO in Mozambique. The purpose of this committee was to ensure the broad participation of the Mozambican government and civil society, including all its perspectives, in the formulation of the Programme.

The Steering Committee carried out the following functions:

* Developed a comprehensive perspective for the Culture of Peace Programme in Mozambique

* Approved the initial projects, workplan and calendar

* Assured articulation between the various projects and if needed, propose additional activities

* Received and discussed reports from the projects, participate in assuring evaluation, and suggesting future improvements in the Programme

* Took part with UNESCO and the Mozambique National Commission for UNESCO in the planning of the second phase of the Programme

The Steering Committee was composed of representatives coming from the following organizations involved in the Programme:

* MULEIDE - Women, Law and Development

* AMMO - The Mozambican Association of Muscicians

* AEMO - The Mozambican Association of Writers

* CCM - The Christian Council of Mozambique

* MINED - The Ministry of Education

* CEA - Center of African Studies

* CARITAS - Catholic Charity Organization

* ARPAC - Archives of Cultural Patrimony

* MINECULTJU - Minister of Culture and Youth

* AMODEG - Association of Demobilized of the War

* UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund

* OMM - Organization of Mozambican Women

* CISLAMO - Islamic Council of Mozambique

* ICS - Institute of Social Communication

* KULIMA - NGO working with development and education

* CNUM - National Commission of UNESCO for Mozambique

The same representatives of the various organizations composing the Steering Committee attended on a regular basis thus guaranteeing the continuity of the work. The majority of the representatives participated regularly in the monthly sessions.

The constitution and functioning of the Steering Committee contributed a factor of significance for the Programme by enriching its activities with ideas and solutions for the global problems of peace and reconciliation. Each member provided his or her own experience so that the materials and contents of the various projects were shared with all of the other members.

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