Draft Culture of Peace Programme in Mozambique 7

2. Information and Networking

A representatives from the Culture of Peace Programme took part in many meetings, seminars and projects in which the principles and goals of the culture of peace were explained and linked to the ongoing work of other organizations engaged in similar and related activities.

Technical assistance and participation was provided to a conference on the theme, "Conference on Peace and Reconciliation Before, During and After the Election." The conference was organized by the Christian Council, the National Commission for UNESCO and the Fund for Community Development with the participation of religious and political leaders as well as members of non-governmental organizations of the civil society.

As a result of the Conference an appeal was signed on Peace and Reconciliation in Mozambique which was widely broadcast in the mass media. The President of the Mozambique National Commission for UNESCO was a signatory of the document which was presented in the worship service held at the end of the Conference. In conjunction with the Conference a peace march was held which joined members of various churches and the people along Avenue Eduardo Mondlane.

In coordination with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and through the participation of a consultant from the Culture of Peace Programme, seminars were organized on civic education in the context of peace in Mozambique. The Steering Committee representative organized and participated in the presentation of documents in seminars in Manica, Tete, Namahacha, Manhiça, Inhambane, Gaza, Sofala, and Maputo.

Seminars were organized in cooperation with Mozambican non-governmental organizations which included themes of the culture of peace, conflict resolution, reconciliation and human rights, as well as technical education for election participation and information on the peace accords. Among the organizations concerned were SOTEMAZA, ONP (National Organization of Teachers), CCM (the Mozambican Christian Council), and AERI (Association of Students of International Relations). Another presentation, entitled "Reflections on a Culture of Peace" was given to the regional seminar of journalists organized by MEDIACOOP in Beira.

The participation in these seminars permitted the broad diffusion of an understanding of the various ideas and actions in favor of peace and reconciliation. In addition it disseminated the concept of the culture of peace and promoted reflection on future programmes. It provided better understanding of the social, economic and political situation as seen at the grass-roots level by civil society and by people who experience the problems of peace and reconciliation on a day to day basis.

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