18. Although I am not aware of a general scientific review of the subject, the following studies show that countries with a strong culture of war produce more violence in their citizenry:
Embers, C.R., and Embers, M., 1994, War, socialization, and interpersonal violence. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 38: 620-646.
Phillips, D., 1983, The impact of mass media violence on U.S. homicides. American Sociological Review, 48: 560-568.
Archer, D. and Gartner, R., 1984. Violence and Crime in Cross-National Perspective. Yale University Press, New Haven.
Landau, S.F. and Rolef, S.H. 1998. Intimate Femicide in Israel: Temporal, social, and motivational patterns. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 6: 75-90.
19. UNESCO and a Culture of Peace: Promoting a Global Movement, 1995, David Adams, editor, UNESCO: Paris. The original version of this book is out of print, although a later, abbreviated revision without graphics is available from UNESCO Press. Most of the original is now available on line.