Here are the scientific publications and Unesco documents on which the commentaries and other sections are based. They are listed here in the order of their appearance in the brochure. Additional references may be found in the bibliographies of each of these publications. WHAT MEAD LEARNED FROM SOUTH SEA PEOPLES (pages 8-9) Mead, M. Warfare Is Only an Invention Not a Biological Necessity. Asia. XL, 402-405, 1940. WHY A STATEMENT ON VIOLENCE IS NEEDED (pages 12-13) Adams, D. and Bosch, S. The myth that war is intrinsic to human nature discourages action for peace by young people. In J.M. Ramirez, R.A. Hinde and J. Groebel (Eds.), Essays in Violence. Seville, Spain: University of Seville, 1987. Eckhardt, W. Crosscultural theories of war and aggression. International Journal of Group Tensions. 2, 36-51, 1972. WHAT FREUD SAID TO EINSTEIN (pages 14-15) Freud, S. Why War? From Collected Papers, Vol. 5, New York: Basic Books, 1959. COMMENTARIES ON SEVILLE STATEMENT (pages 17-31) Unesco. Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice. Paris, 1979. Unesco. Racism, Science, and Pseudo-Science. Paris, 1983. Scott, J.P. The biological basis of warfare. In J.M. Ramirez, R.A. Hinde, and J. Groebel (Eds.), Essays in Violence. Seville, Spain: University of Seville, 1987. Singer, J.D. The political origins of international war: A multifactorial review. In J. Groebel and R.A. Hinde (Eds.) Aggression and War: Their Biological and Social Bases. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Barnett, S.A. Models and morals: Biological images of man. in P.F. Brain and D. Benton (Eds.), Multidisciplinary Approaches to Aggression Research. Elsevier/ North Holland Biomedical Press, 1981. |
Ginsburg, B.E. and Carter, B.F. The behaviors and the genetics of aggression. In J.M. Ramirez, R.A. Hinde, and J. Groebel (Eds.) Essays in Violence. Seville, Spain: University of Seville, 1987. Leakey, R. and Lewin, R. Origins. New York: Dutton, 1987, p.223. Adams, D.B. Brain mechanism for offense, defense, and submission. the Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 2, 201-241, 1979. Delgado, J.M.R. Cerebral play of forces in offensive-defensive mechanisms. In Adams, op. cit. Groebel, J. and Hinde, R.A. Aggression and War: Their Biological and social bases. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Wahlstrom, R. Enemy image as a psychological antecedent of warfare. In J.M. Ramirez, R.A. Hinde and J. Groebel (Eds.), Essays in Violence. Seville Spain: University of Seville, 1987. Unesco. General Conference Twenty-Fourth Session. Information Document 24C/INF.22. 16 November, 1987 (translated from the Spanish). THE RELATION OF STRUGLE AND VIOLENCE (pages 36-39) King, M.L., Jr. Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story. Harper and Row: New York, 1958. King, M.L., Jr. Tribute to W.E.B. Dubois on the one hundredth anniversary of his birth. Freedomways, Second Quarter, pages 104-111, 1968. HOW YOU CAN TEACH THE SEVILLE STATEMENT (pages 40-41) Unesco. Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Cooperation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Paris, 1974. Reprinted in Prospects, Vol. XV, No. 3, 1985.
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