The Global Movement and the International Year for the Culture of Peace: II. Decentralized Network | Page 29 |
Yamousoukro and Seville Statement
Origins and Executive Board Adoption
Launching the Programme: El Salvador and Roundtable
1993 General Conference
National Projects
Programme Unit
Toward a Global Scope
Transdisciplinary Project and Human Right to Peace
1997: A New Approach
UN General Assembly Resolutions
Resolution for International Year
Declaration and Programme of Action
Resolution for International Decade
Training Programmes
Global Movement
Publicity Campaign
Decentralized Network
Manifesto 2000
Use of Internet
Future of the Culture of Peace
One team member, Ms Jeanne Gruson, was engaged full time just to maintain relations with the national focal points (National Commissions and UNESCO field offices) during the Year and to help them use the manual and develop partnerships with the civil society. The effectiveness of this approach is indicated by newsletter entries on the IYCP Website during the Year 2000 from over 100 countries and the summary of activities during the first six months by UNESCO field offices prepared for the UNESCO Executive Board (Annex IX). Unfortunately, the Executive Board never knew the extent of the activities because much of the summary of field office activities was cut from the document that was forwarded to them by the UNESCO Central Services. The extensive involvement of UNESCO National Commissions was especially important for the success of the Year. A summary of their activity as of March 15, 2001 provided information about the activities of 155 National Commissions. An earlier report on June 21, 2000 included printed publications from the National Commissions of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Germany, Haiti, Iran, Maurice, Namibia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Republique Democratique du Congo, Swaziland and Vietnam. Our office in Paris developed close working relations with other National Commissions in Algeria, Benin, Canada, Cape Verde, France, Guinea Bissau, India, Italy, Jamaica, Madagascar, Morocco, Mozambique, Netherlands Antilles, Norway, Russian Federation, Saint Lucia, Spain, Tchad, Tonga, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe. Detailed projects for funding were presented to the UNESCO Programme of Participation from Antigua/Barbuda, Australia, Azerbaijan, Botswana, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Emerats Arabes Unis, Gambia, India, Indonesia, Lesotho, Liberia, Mauritania, Namibia, Nicaragua, Peru, Republique Democratique du Congo, Saint Lucia, Tchad and Trinidad and Tobago. Special dossiers were provided for Brazil where the National Commission was not active but there were major engagements by national and regional parliaments and from the United Kingdom where Tony Blair recognized the United Nations Association as playing the leading role.