These concepts were later incorporated into the Yamoussoukro Declaration. Father MacGregor served on the preparatory meetings for the Yamoussoukro Congress and on the Committee at the Congress which elaborated the Declaration. It was from there, as described earlier in the chapter on the history of the Culture of Peace Programme, that they made their way into the UNESCO Programme. The book Cultura de Paz is being used in UNESCO National Programmes for a Culture of Peace. It is being translated and adapted for the language of the country concerned. For example, a Portuguese edition with new illustrations is being prepared by the National Programme in Mozambique.


The Bulgarian National Commission of UNESCO is carrying out a number of activities promoting a culture of peace. In particular, the Fourth Annual Seminar for Balkan students and specialists shows that this can be not only a national project, but a regional one as well. According to the organizers, the Balkan Encounters, which unite people from all of the Balkan region and include Greek, Serbian, Croatian and Albanian as well as the Bulgarian language, represent a project of an interdisciplinary character and their objectives consist of safeguarding the mutual respect of cultures and ethnic nationalities for understanding and peace in the region'. The 1995 Seminar includes language lessons and consultations in the various Balkan languages, a lecture course on ethnic and religious identity in the Balkans, the study of folkloric songs and dances, and an international roundtable dedicated to holy places in the Balkans'

Costa Rica

Making use of its example as a country that abolished a standing army a half century ago, Costa Rica is planning to consolidate programmes of a culture of peace through a pilot project for Learning Without Frontiers. This project is designed to build

a base on which modern information techniques can help identify and resolve poverty and associated problems of people living in rural and marginal urban areas.


The Slovenian National Commission, in co operation with the UNESCO Office for Women's Policy is organizing a meeting in December 1995 on women and a culture of peace. In co operation with the UNESCO SHARE programme of refugee education, it has sponsored a book of poems by refugee children in which you can feel the cry for peace and for a life cry for a culture of peace in which these children, deprived of their childhood, would like to live'. In co operation with the Peace Institute, they are promoting plans for the use of the former Yugoslav Army barracks for peace activities (a museum, meeting place for youth and culture, etc.).


In the face of inter ethnic violence and difficulties in the practice of democracy, the Ministry of Human Rights, Democracy and Peace has organized a series of travelling seminars throughout the country to promote peace and national unity. In August 1993 meetings were held in Dapaong, Kara, Atakpame and Kpalime dedicated to dialogue among different populations in order to reestablish social peace and national unity. In August 1994, meetings were held in Sotouboua, Kazaboua, Agombio, Blitta, Kara and Pagouda to sensitize displaced populations for the peaceful resolution of conflicts in order to facilitate their return to home areas. In October and December 1994, in response to the continuing crisis following Presidential and legislative elections, seminars were held in Lome and Kara on the human rights provisions in the Constitution of the Fourth Republic. And in January 1995, meetings were held in Kpalime on human rights and national reconciliation, including the new amnesty law.


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Costa Rica, which is working for a culture of peace, already abolished its standing army a half century ago.

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