Suggestions to move toward a culture of peace

• Revisit history to discover how people contributed to their cultures;

• Research non military actors and make them models to be emulated;

• Research women's role in the development of their societies, and the causes and consequences of violence against women;

• Promote peace goals as the dominant factor in all forms of art;

• Teach the need to be aware of, and take responsibility for, the consequences scientific discovery can have for society as a whole;

• Promote responsibility for the well being of the local and global community, including protection of the natural environment;

• Promote gender specific analysis and support of feminist analysis and research in all areas of human activity; encourage and assist women to organize themselves to make an impact on decisions that affect society;

• Teach co operation rather than competition, solidarity for mutual support and appreciation for the rich diversity of multicultural societies.

• Combat racism and discrimination, teach respect for human rights for all, for human life and the dignity of the person;

• Promote economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights to create conditions for peace, disarmament and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.

From International Peace Update, April 1995, newsletter of Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.

Chapters of WILPF are active around the world on projects related to a culture of peace. Here are a few examples. In Nepal women are preparing a national paper on the status of women, through symposiums in 75 districts, for the Fourth World Conference on Women to be held in Beijing. In Sri Lanka they have been active in the struggle against the war and large scale violations of human rights in that country. In Australia they are involved in the women's peace action against military production. In Peru WILPF members have active in trying to find a peaceful solution to the recent outbreak of violence over the national borders of Peru and Ecuador. WILPF in Israel helped organize the conference 'Women, War and Peace' with participants from Israel (both Jewish and Palestinian), Palestine and 17 other countries.

Youth organizations

It is young people who must take up the task of building and cultivating a culture of peace in the next generation. By taking action at an early age they can experience the task in terms of practical problems to be solved as well as an abstract goal to be sought. Therefore, it is of special significance that the World Organization of the Scout Movement is devoting its energies world wide to the building of a culture of peace and tolerance.
At the World Jamboree of the Scouts held in the Netherlands in August, 1995, a tent was been devoted to the culture of peace. Here scouts from all over the world engaged in simulations based upon the principle that by sharing common challenges and goals groups previously in conflict can overcome their conflict and learn to work together (see box below on the Robbers Cave Experiment'). This approach will be central to a merit badge' for the culture of peace to be elaborated for the scout movement.


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By taking action at an early age young people can exerience the task of building a culture of peace in terms of practical problems to be solved as well as an abstract goal to be sought.

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