Title page & Abstract
Discussion of Methods
Figure 3
WE PRESENT DETAILED DOCUMENTATION for an hypothesis that we first pointed out several years ago: that the central nervous system of a mature healthy vertebrate attains a size at which it uses 24% the total basal body metabolism (11).
Although our thesis is a new one, concern with brain
size is very ancient, From the time of Aristotle, who
noted that "of all animals, man has the largest brain in
proportion to his size," the relationship between brain
weight and body weight has been calculated for various
vertebrate species and related to the question of the
comparative intelligence of these species. The early work
of Perrault (1613-1688), Vicz-d'Azyr (1748-1794), and
Cuvier (1769-1832) on this question has been reviewed
by Cole (16) and Coleman (17). Considerable attention
was devoted to it by Manouvrier and Dubois at the end
of the 19th century, as summarized by Anthony (1). In
recent years, the relationship of brain weight and body
size and its significance for intelligence has been considered
in detail by Jerison (44, 45).
The relationship of brain size to body weight across
different vertebrates is not a simple function. It is an
exponential function with an exponent close to 0.66
depending on the group of animals under consideration.
Furthermore, it is necessary to construct at least two
different equations, one for cold-blooded vertebrates and
another for warm-blooded vertebrates, since values for
the latter are somewhat more than 1 log decade greater
than those of the former for animals of the same weight.
We noticed that the graphic representation of brain
weight as a function of body weight was strikingly similar
to the graphic representation of basal metabolism as a
function of body weight. On logarithmic axes, cold-blooded
and warm-blooded vertebrates lie along two
separate lines with similar slopes (approx 0.66) and with
y intercepts that differ by somewhat more than 1 decade,
no matter whether the equations represent brain weight
(45) or basal metabolism (36) as a function of body
weight. The great similarity of the functions suggested
that they might reflect a simple underlying relationship
of size of the nervous system to basal metabolism.
The possibility of a relationship between brain size and
body metabolism has been considered before. Benedict
(8) briefly discussed the role of the brain in controlling
metabolism and concluded that it cannot be demonstrated
that brain size is the controlling factor in metabolism.
Based on blood circulation and brain weights of
"lower" animals, the German neurologist Kestner (48)
concluded erroneously that about 40% of the oxygen
consumption may be attributed to the brain. Finally,
Crile (19), on the basis of detailed measurements of the
organs of many vertebrates, came to a conclusion similar
in some respects to the one considered here
We found a law, so fundamental that it embraces
insects, fish, reptiles, birds, rodents, ungulates, and
carnivores, but not higher apes and man. This law is
expressed by the ratio between the weight of the brain
of an animal and the number of calories produced by
that animal in 24 hours. We found that 1 gram of brain
is required to produce 12,115 small calories in 24 hours.
Our conclusion is similar to that of Crile, except that
we consider the entire central nervous system, not just
the brain, and we relate its metabolism, rather than its
weight, to the total body metabolism. Because the spinal
cord is an integral part of the central nervous system, it
should not be neglected. Indeed, in many cold-blooded
vertebrates, the spinal cord is as large or larger than the
brain. And by emphasizing metabolism rather than
weight of the central nervous system, we are able to
emphasize functional aspects of the relationship. Unlike
many earlier studies, we are not concerned with intelligence
as related to brain size, or with maintaining a
preconceived conclusion of human superiority. Instead,
we believe that the relationship described here may
reflect an optimal relationship for vertebrates in the
amount of metabolic energy devoted to control (nervous)
and executor (muscular) systems.