Curriculum Vitae

May, 2022

David Adams
16 route de Dieppe
Grandcourt, 76660, France
Telephone: +332_3517_5583




May 13, 1939
Webster Groves, Missouri, USA


A.B. Columbia University, 1962 (Magna Cum Laude) in English Ph.D. Yale University, 1967 (Creative Talents Award for Dissertation in Psychology)


Single unit recording from the hypothalamus and midbrain of the unrestrained cat during affective defense behavior. Advisors: John P. Flynn, Robert Galambos, Frederick D. Sheffield.


National Science Foundation Fellowship, Yale University, 1962-1965
Post-doctoral NIH Fellowship, University of Milan, 1967-1968 with Dr. Alberto Zanchetti
Post-doctoral NIH Fellowship, Yale University Department of Psychiatry, 1968-1970
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Wesleyan University, 1970-1977
Associate Professor of Psychology, Wesleyan University, 1977-1983
Professor of Psychology, Wesleyan University, 1983-1993
Consultant to develop Culture of Peace Programme, UNESCO, 1993
Senior Programme Specialist, UNESCO, 1994-1998
Director, UNESCO Unit for International Year for the Culture of Peace, 1998-2001
Visiting Professor of Psychology, Wesleyan University, 2002
Representative, Fundacion Cultura de Paz, 2005-2008
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Wesleyan University, 2005-


Culture of Peace News Network, (established 2002, over 1,000 pages as of 2010)
Blog: Transition to a Culture of Peace - World history as it is happening,
Personal Website for Culture of Peace, (established 2002, over 2,000 pages as of 2010)
Website for Culture of Peace Decade, (established 2004, over 4,000 pages as of 2010)
The Culture of Peace Dialogues: More Than Just a Game,
Strategy for Revolution in the 21st Century,


David Adams (peace activist) - version of 2022
Culture of peace - version of 2022
Seville Statement on Violence - version of 2022
International Year for the Culture of Peace - version of 2022
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World - version of 2022


Co-founder of Ethics Committee of Behavior Genetics Association (1978);
Co-founder of Ethics Committee of International Society for Research on Aggression (1980);
UN NGO Representative of International Society for Research on Aggression (1983-1992);
President of Connecticut Association for American-Soviet Friendship (1983-1992);
Co-founder of Peoples Peace Appeal (1985-1987);
Steering Committee of New Haven SANE-FREEZE (1986-1992);
Organizer and signatory of Seville Statement on Violence (1986);
Editor of Seville Statement Newsletter (1986-1993);
Co-founder of Connecticut Labor for Peace (1988);
Coordinating Committee Member of Psychologists for Social Responsibility (1992-2005).


Responsible, under the direction of the Director-General of UNESCO and in conformity with the decisions of the UNESCO General Conference, for the development of the concept of the culture of peace and specific culture of peace initiatives in collaboration with all sectors of UNESCO and with other organizations and experts; undertook missions (with writing of associated mission reports), including missions for the establishment of new national programmes in El Salvador, Mozambique and Russian Federation; edited publications, including the UNESCO Culture of Peace monograph; prepared documents for the UNESCO Executive Board, General Conference and UN General Assembly, including UN documents GA/52/292 and 53/370; drafted and/or responded to correspondence; and prepared and followed up official meetings; drafted speeches and articles on culture of peace for the Director-General; as Director of the International Year for the Culture of Peace, responsible for mobilization including the Manifesto 2000 which was signed by over 75 million people around the world.


Single neuron recording during free behavior (cat and rat), electro-encephalograph recording (cat, rat and human), evoked potential recording using computer of average transients (cat), electrical and chemical brain stimulation (cat, rabbit and rat), conditioning procedures (cat, rabbit and rat), cardiovascular surgery (cat), arterial flowmeter and blood pressure recording during free behavior (cat), brain lesions (rat and rabbit), behavior genetic analysis (rat), ethogram behavioral analysis (rat and monkey), human questionnaire studies, cross-cultural research using human relations area files, developmental analysis from autobiographies and oral histories.


Evolution of the brain; evolution of social behavior; psychology of war and peace; introduction to brain research; introductory psychology; laboratory methods in animal psychology; seminars in biopsychology and the mass media, consciousness development, biological mechanisms of locomotion, introduction to women's studies, neuroanatomy, culture of peace.


Culture of Peace:

Adams, D. Transition to a Culture of Peace: World history as it is happening. A monthly blog 2012 to the present day. A composite pdf with all blogs until July 2020 is available here. More recent blogs are available here.

Adams, D. Monthly bulletin of the Culture of Peace News Network. Also available in French and Spanish. PDF files with all English bulletins from 2005 to April 2022 are available here.

Adams, D. La culture de paix - Histoire preliminaire et avenir possible, Les Cahiers de l'IDRP, September-October 2019.

Adams, D. Embrace the Fire: Cultivate a Culture of Peace. 2015.

Adams, D. Cultura de Paz, Una Utopia Posible My trilogy of books translated into Spanish by Roberto Mercadillo and published in 2013 as a single volume: World Peace Through the Town Hall; I have seen the promised land; and History of the Culture of War

Adams, D. and Chauvin, C. Freud's last death. A theatrical play in two acts. 2012.

Adams, D. The State of the Culture of Peace in New Haven - 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , and 2016 . Reports based on 15-20 interviews.

Adams, D. Education for a Culture of Peace: The Culture of Peace News Network as a Case Study. Journal of Peace Education. 2013, 10 (3): 230-241.

(anonymous). Report on the Decade for a Culture of Peace. June 2010. (on the Internet at

Adams, D. Culture or Cultures of Peace?. In Peace Movements Worldwide. 2010. Edited by Marc Pilisuk and Michael Nagler. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.

Adams, D. Culture of Peace: The UN Decade. In Jahrbuch 2010/Yearbook 2010 - The Decade of a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence for the Children of the World 96 Balance and Perspectives. . 2010. Drava, Klagenfurt/Celovec.

Adams, D. The Culture of Peace. In The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace (four volumes), 2010. Editor-in Chief Nigel Young. Oxford University Press.

Adams, D. UNESCO. In The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace (four volumes), 2010. Editor-in Chief Nigel Young. Oxford University Press.

Adams, D. The History of the Culture of War. Createspace (Amazon). 2009. 206 pages, online version, pdf version.

Adams, D. World Peace through the Town Hall: A Strategy for the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace. Createspace (Amazon). 2009. 150 pages, online version, pdf version.

Adams, D. I Have Seen the Promised Land. Createspace (Amazon). 2009. 82 pages, online version, pdf version.

Adams, D. Letter to My Academic Friends. 2007. On Internet at

Adams, D. The Global Movement for a Culture of Peace. In Jahrbuch Friedenskultur 2007, Drava Verlag Klagenfurt/Celvec, pp. 28-39.

Adams, D. The role of Scouting and the coming generation in the historic transformation from the culture of war to a culture of peace. For World Congress "Education and the World Scout Movement: Experiences and Challenges", Geneva, November 2007

Adams, D. and Lofgren, J. Youth for Alliance of Civilizations: Promoting Dialogue, Building a Culture of Peace. 2006. On Internet at

World Report on the Culture of Peace, Barcelona, 2006, 48 pp. (in English, French, Spanish and other languages)

Adams, D. The Culture of Peace as Alternative to Terrorism. 2006. On Internet at Version in Portuguese.

Adams, D. and Chauvin, K. L'Avenir de la Culture de la Paix et de la Non-Violence, Non-Violence Actualité (in French, view with code Western European (Windows), not Unicode), No. 285, March-April, 2006.

Adams, D. Partnership with NGOs for a Culture of Peace. in Proceedings of International Symposium on a Culture of Peace, Seoul, Korea, 25-27 August, 2005

Adams D. Early History of the Culture of Peace: A Personal Memoire, 2003, (published only on Internet at )

Adams, D. and Chauvin, K. Democratie en crise face à la culture de la guerre. submitted to the French Communist Party in 2002, but not published.

Adams, D. Moving from a Culture of War to a Culture of Peace. Fellowship Magazine. September/October, 2002, 26-28.

Adams, D. B. From a culture of war and violence to a culture of peace and non-violence. In M. Martinez, Prevention and control of aggression and the impact on its victims, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Press, 2001.

Adams,D. From the International Year to a Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence. International Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 2000, II (1), 1-10.

Mayor, F. and Adams, D. The culture of peace: A programme of action. Prospects, 2000, 30 (1): 3-13 (English, French and Spanish editions).

Adams, D. Toward a global movement for a culture of peace. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 2000, 6(3): 259-266.

Adams, D. Towards a global movement for a culture of peace. Education International, January 2000, pp. 16-17 (English, French and Spanish editions). (only available here in English).

Adams, D. A new vision of peace for the 21st Century. Journal of the Nuclear Age Foundation, Spring 1999, 4-5.

Adams, D. A concept for a culture of peace. In: Year 2000: Towards a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence, UNESCO: Moscow, 1998, pp. 234-238 (In Russian only). (only available on paper)

Adams, D. The culture of peace as strategy, practice, vision and theory, In: Social Change and Culture of Peace, Ves Mir Publishing House, Moscow, 1998, pp. 286-290 (in Russian only). (only available on paper)

Adams, D. UNESCO and a Culture of Peace: Promoting a Global Movement. UNESCO (Paris), 1997 (Second Edition). (first edition on Internet at ) Note: The revision was made against my wishes and does not represent my approach. (only available on paper)

Adams, D.B. The deep structural relationship between culture of peace and culture of science. In: Science for Peace: Volume 3, edited by Yechiel Becker, UNESCO, Venice, Italy, 1997.

Adams, D. The Conception of Culture of Peace: Basic Principles. Journal of Problems of Education and Culture, 1997, 3-4 (18-19): 3-9, (In Russian, translated by Igor Danilov). (only available on paper)

Adams, D. and True, M. UNESCO's Culture of Peace Programme: An Introduction. International Peace Research Newsletter, 1997, 35: 15-18. (on Internet at )

Adams, D. A conceptual history of UNESCO's Culture of Peace Programme. In: A Culture of Peace: A Handbook, edited by Alexander Chubarian, Vladimir Lomeiko, Dan Smith and Janusz Symonides, UNESCO and International Institute for a Culture of Peace and Democracy, Moscow, 1997.

Lacayo Parajon, F., Lourenco, M. and Adams, D. The UNESCO Culture of Peace Programme in El Salvador. International Journal of Peace Studies, 1996, 1: 1-20. (on Internet at ).

Adams, D. UNESCO and a Culture of Peace: Promoting a Global Movement. UNESCO (Paris), 1995 (First Edition as html). (on Internet at ) - UNESCO and a Culture of Peace: Promoting a Global Movement. UNESCO (Paris), 1995 (First Edition as pdf).

(with Noel Chicuecue) Draft Culture of Peace Programme in Mozambique. ( On Internet at ).

Adams, D. Cross-conflict participation in human development as basis for a culture of peace, 1994, submitted for publication to Peace and Conflict but not accepted. Based on the report prepared for the UNESCO Executive Board in February 1993 (on Internet at ). See also article ghost-written for Federico Mayor.

UNESCO Culture of Peace Documents for which I was responsible:

Executive Board Document 161 EX/17. Report on the progress made by UNESCO in the implementation of the programme of action on a culture of peace and on cooperation with the United Nations system in this field. April 19, 2001. (contribution by the Director General to the Report of the United Nations Secretary-General on the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World). (In English and French)

UN Document A/55/377. Contribution by the Director-General to the Report of the United Nations Secretary-General on the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World, July, 2000. In English, French and Spanish.

Executive Board Document 155 EX/49 Consolidated report to the United Nations on a culture of peace. August 11, 1998. Sent by UNESCO to the United Nations General Assembly where it received the number Resolution A-53-370.

Executive Board Document 154 EX/42. Preliminary consolidated report to the United Nations on a culture of peace. April 2, 1998.

Executive Board Document 152 EX/50. Contribution by the Director-General to the report of the United Nations Secretary-General on the transdisciplinary project: Towards a culture of peace. August 26, 1997.

Executive Board Document 151 EX/43. Report on the implementation of the transdisciplinary project "Towards a culture of peace". April 23, 1997.

General Conference Document 28C/123. Report on the action of the culture of peace programme. September 20, 1995.

Executive Board Document 145 EX/15. The culture of peace programme: from national programmes to a project of global scope. August 18, 1994.

General Conference Document 27 C/126. Action programme to promote a culture of peace. October 27, 1993.

Executive Board Document 142 EX/13. Action programme to promote a culture of peace. August 4, 1993. (included in General Conference Document 27 C/126. Action programme to promote a culture of peace)

Executive Board Document 141 EX/16. Action programme to promote a culture of peace. April 7, 1993.

Executive Board Document 140 EX/28. Co-operation to promote a culture of peace. August 14, 1992. (on Internet at

War and Peace: Theoretical Issues

Adams, D. The Seville Statement on Violence. (in press). In Encyclopedia of Peace Psychology, Editor Daniel J. Christie, Wiley-Blackwell.

Adams, D. The Seville Statement on Violence. In The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Peace (four volumes), 2010. Editor-in Chief Nigel Young. Oxford University Press.

Adams, D. The American Peace Movements: History, Root Causes, and Future. 2002, revised edition for Internet only (see )

Adams, D.B. War is not in our biology: A decade of the Seville statement on violence. In: Violence: From Biology to Society, edited by J. S. Grisolia, Elsevier Science B.V., 1997 pp. 251-259.

Adams, D.B. Psychology for Peace Activists: A New Psychology for the Generation Who Can Abolish War. Revised Edition. 1995, 78 pp. in html format (on Internet at ). pdf version - French version - Portuguese translation in six parts: part 1; part 2; part 3; part 4; part 5; part 6; (Dutch translation published by Nederlands Expertisecentrum Alternatieven voor Geweld, Amsterdam, 2005)

Adams, D.B. Internal military intervention in the United States. Journal of Peace Research, 1995, 32: 197-211. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. The Seville Statement on Violence and Beyond. In H. Wiberg (Ed.), Peace and War:Social and Cultural Aspects. UNESCO and Bel Corp, Warsaw, 1995.

Adams, D., Biology does not make men more aggressive than women. In K. Bjorkqvist and P. Niemela (Eds.), Of Mice and Women: Aspects of Female Aggression. Academic Press, London, 1992. (on Internet at )

Adams, D. Economics of the arms race: A two-edged sword. Political Affairs, September/October, 1991, pp. 16-22. (on Internet at )

Adams, D. The Seville Statement on Violence: Preparing the Ground for the Constructing of Peace, 1991, UNESCO, Paris (Translations published in French, Spanish, and Arabic), 48 pages. (on Internet at ) (Published in English, French, Spanish and Arabic)

Adams, D.B. Planning for peace in New Haven. Bulletin of Municipal Foreign Policy, Summer, 1990, p. 32.

Adams, D.B. The Seville Statement on Violence: A Progress Report. Journal of Peace Research, 1989, 26: 113-121. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. The Seville Statement on Violence and Why It Is Important. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 1989, 29: 328-337.

Adams, D.B. >Psychology for Peace Activists: A New Psychology for the Generation Who Can Abolish War 1987 version (Original edition only available on paper, for revised edition, see 1995 above)

Adams, D. Abolish war ­ A joint US-Soviet peace campaign can do it, Friendship News, 1987, 8 (2): 1-2.

Adams, D.B. et al (20 authors). The Seville Statement on Violence. Seville, Spain, May, 1986. (See other publications of Seville Statement on attached pages).

Adams, D.B. The American Peace Movements: History, Root Causes, and Future. 1985. Advocate Press, New Haven. 46 pp. Short version published in SANE-FREEZE Unity Handbook, Fall, 1986. (revised edition on Internet at ) (Original edition only available on paper)

Adams, D.B. and Bosch, S. The myth that war is intrinsic to human nature discourages action for peace by young people. In Essays in Violence, edited by J. Martin Ramirez, Robert Hinde, and Jo Groebel, University of Seville, Spain, 1987. Reprinted in Social Change (India), 1990. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. The role of anger in the consciousness development of peace activists: Where physiology and history intersect. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 1986, 4: 157-164. Also: The positive role of anger in consciousness development. Aggressive Behavior, 1989, 15:32-33 (Abstract). (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. On the role of anger in war and peace. In F.L. Denmark (Ed.), Social/Ecological Psychology and the Psychology of Women, Volume 7 of Proceedings of XXIII International Congress of Psychology, Elsevier/North Holland, 1985. Pp. 203-210. Translated into Finnish and reprinted in Rauhantutkimus, 1985, 2:7-10. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. There is no instinct for war. Psychological Journal (Moscow), 1984, 5: 140-144. (In Russian). (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. Why there are so few women warriors. Behavior Science Research, 1983, 18: 196-212. Preliminary report published in Aggressive Behavior, 1983, 9: 106 (abstract) (on Internet: )


Adams, D. Human nature and war. In D. A. Wells (Ed.), An Encyclopedia of War and Ethics. Greenwood Press, Westport, CT., 1996, pp. 219-222.

Adams, D.B. A proposed international symposium to draft a statement on violence. Aggressive Behavior, 1985, 11:136-137 (Abstract).

Adams, D.B. On sociobiology and activism in academia. Science & Nature, 1982, 5: 9-19.

Adams, D.B. The use and misuse of aggression research. In P.F. Brain and D. Benton (Eds.), A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Aggression Research. Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press, 1981. Pp. 531-544.

Adams, D.B. Ethics of aggression research: Papers from a symposium of international society for research on aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 1981, 7:367-369.

Committee on Ethical Problems in Behavior Genetics. Symposium on some ethical problems in behavior genetic research and teaching. Behavior Genetics, 1980, 10:473 (abstract).

Theory of Motivational Systems

Adams, D.B. Brain mechanisms of aggressive behavior: An updated review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2006, 30: 304-318..

Adams, D.B. The Aggression Systems: Human Aspects; Evolution; Brain Mechanisms, and Dynamics. 1989, self published. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. The reproductive postponement state: Systemic response to social stress: Phylogenetic basis of human depression. Proceedings of International Pavlov Symposium, Moscow, 1984. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. A dynamic psychoneural analysis of offense behavior in the rat. Proceedings of Gagra Conference, published in Soviet Union, 1983. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. Hormone-brain interactions and their influence on agonistic behavior. In: Hormones and Aggressive Behavior, B.B. Svare (ed.), Plenum, New York, 1983, pp. 223-245. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. Defense motivational system: Issues of emotion, reinforcement, and neural structure. Reply to: The defense motivation system, F.A. Masterson and M. Crawford. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1982, 5: 675-676.

Adams, D.B. Hormonal influences on motivational systems of social behavior in muroid rodents and their significance for reproductive states. Unpublished manuscript, 1980. 138 pages.

Adams, D.B. Motivational systems of agonistic behavior in muroid rodents: A comparative review and neural model. Aggressive Behavior, 1980, 6: 295-346. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. Motivational systems: fear or defense? pain or recuperation? Reply to: A perceptual -defensive -recuperative model of fear and pain. R.C. Bolles and M.S. Fanselow. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1980, 3:301.

Adams, D.B. Brain mechanisms for offense, defense, and submission, The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1979, 2:200-241. Preliminary publication in Aggressive Behavior, 1979, 5: 208 (abstract). (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. Inborn and acquired aspects of offense and defense motivational systems in muroid rodents: Role of memory. In: Neurophysiological Bases of Memory, T. Oniani (ed.), Tbilisi, USSR, 1979. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. The conspecific defense modulator. American Zoologist, 1977, 19:927 (abstract).

Single Neuron Recording

Mink, J.W., Sinnamon, H.M., and Adams, D.B. Activity of basal forebrain neurons in the rat during motivated behaviors. Behavioral Brain Research, 1983, 8: 85-108. Preliminary reports published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1980, 422 (abstract), and Proceedings International Congress of Physiology, 1980, 14:290 (abstract).

Oniani, T.N., Adams, D.B., Molnar, P., Manjavidze, Sh.D., Gvetadze, L.B., and Beradze, G.G. Dynamics of unit activity of synchronizing and desynchronizing brain structures in the sleep- wakefulness cycle. Preliminary report published in Neuroscience Letters, Supplement 1, 1978, p. S335.

Pond, F., Sinnamon, H.M., and Adams, D.B. Single unit recording in midbrain of rats during shock-elicited fighting behavior. Brain Research, 1977, 122:469-485. Preliminary report published in Society for Neuroscience Abtracts, 1975, 1:491 (abstract).

Adams, D.B. The response of single cells in the midbrain and hypothalamus of the cat during affective defense behavior. Archives italiennes de Biologie, 1968, 106: 243-269. Preliminary publication in Science, 1968, 159:894-896. German publication in Umschau, 1968, 25:793. Reprinted in K. Moyer, Substrates of Aggression and Implications for Aggression Control, Raven Press, 1975. (on Internet at )

Brain Lesion Studies

Adams, D.B. Ventromedial tegmental lesions in the rat abolish offense without disturbing predation or defense. Physiology and Behavior, 1986, 38: 165-168. Preliminary report published in Aggressive Behavior, 1987, 13:306. (on Internet at )

Lee, S.H., Sinnamon, H.M., Adams, D.B. and Stopford, C.K. Locomotor stepping elicited by electrical stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus requires an ipsilateral descending pathway. Physiology and Behavior, 1984, 33:209-215. Preliminary report published in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1983, 1: 356 (abstract).

Kanki, J.P., and Adams, D.B. Ventrobasal thalamus necessary for visually-released defensive boxing of rat. Physiology and Behavior, 1978, 21: 7-12. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B., and Severini, W.H. Visual pathways that guide pain-induced defensive boxing in rats. Bulletin of Psychonomic Society, 1977, 10: 268 (abstract).

Edwards, M.A., and Adams, D.B. Role of midbrain central gray in pain-induced defensive boxing of rats. Physiology and Behavior, 1974, 13:113-121. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B. Defence and territorial behaviour dissociated by hypothalamic lesions in the rat. Nature, 1971, 232:573-574. (on Internet at )

Electrical and Chemical Stimulation Studies

Adams, D.B., Boudreau, W., Cowan, C.W., Kokonowski, C., Oberteuffer, K., and Yohay, K. Offense produced by chemical stimulation of the anterior hypthalamus of the rat. Physiology and Behavior, 1993, 53:1127-1132. (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B., and Flynn, J.P. Transfer of an escape response from tail shock to brain stimulated attack behavior. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 1966, 9:401-408.

Brain Size and Evolution

Mink, J.W., Blumenschine, R.J., and Adams, D.B. Ratio of CNS to body metabolism in vertebrates: Its constancy and functional basis. American Journal of Physiology, 1981, 241, R203-R212. Preliminary publication in Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1978, 4:97.

Adams, D.B. Evolution of supraspinal pathways and the neurophysiology of locomotion: A synthesis. Unpublished manuscript, 1977. 113 pages.

Adams, D.B. Figures for textbook of brain evolution. Unpublished manuscript, 1977. 64 pages.

Human Sexual Behavior

Adams, D.B., Gold, A.R., and Kassman, L. Female sexual activity: Married vs. college women. Eastern Conference on Reproductive Behavior, 1980. (Abstract).

Adams, D.B., Gold, A.R., and Burt, A.D. Rise in female-initiated sexual activity at ovulation and its suppression by oral contraceptives. New England Journal of Medicine, 1978, 299:1145-1150. Exchange of letters published in same journal, 1979, 300:626-627. Paper abstracted in Psychology Today, February 1979; Yearbook of Family Practice, 1979; Human Sexuality, edited by Short and Austin, Cambridge University Press.

Gold, A.R., and Adams, D.B. Motivational factors affecting fluctuations in female sexual activity at menstruation. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 1981, 5:670-680.

Gold, A.R., and Adams, D.B. Measuring the cycles of female sexuality. Contemporary OB/GYN, 1978, 12:147-156.

Spitz, C.J., Gold, A.R., and Adams, D.B. Cognitive and hormonal factors affecting coital frequency. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1974, 4:249-263.(partial copy)

Behavior Genetic Studies

Adams, D.B., Eichenfield, A.H., and Surgeon, J.W. Differences in social behaviors in highly inbred rat strains. Behavior Genetics, 1980, 10:467 (abstract). Final version in The Aggressive Systems (see p. 13.

Adams, D.B. A single genetic locus determining differences in competitive fighting of highly inbred rats. Behavior Genetics, 1978, 8:535 (abstract) and Behavior Genetics, 1979, 9:435-436 (abstract).

Cardiovascular Physiology

Adams, D.B., Baccelli, G., Mancia, G, and Zanchetti, A. Cardiovascular changes during naturally elicited fighting behavior in the cat. American Journal of Physiology, 1969, 216, 1226-1235. (Preliminary publication in Experientia, 1968, 24, 1221-1223. Italian publication in Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 1968, 44, 1718-1722.)

Adams, D.B., Baccelli, G, Mancia, G., and Zanchetti, A. Cardiovascular changes during preparation for fighting behavior in the cat. Nature, 1968, 220, 1239-1240. (Italian publication in Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 1968, 44, 1722-1725.)

Mancia, G., Baccelli, G., Adams, D.B., and Zanchetti, A. Modificazioni emodinamiche durante il comportamento di lotta del gatto: IV. Lotta Prolongata. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 1969, 45, 115-116. (paper copy only)

Mancia, G., Baccelli, G., Adams, D.B., and Zanchetti, A. Vasomotor regulation during sleep in the cat. American Journal of Physiology, 1971, 220, 1086-1093. (Preliminary publication in Experientia, 1969, 25, 48. Italian publication in Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 1968, 44, 1716-1718.

Mancia, G., Baccelli, G., Adams, D.B., and Zanchetti, A. Heart rate, stroke volume, and vasomotor regulation in the cat during exertion and postural change. European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 1970, 1, 172-179. (Italian publication in Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 1969, 45, 117-118.)

Adams, D.B., Baccelli, G., Mancia, G., and Zanchetti, A. Relation of cardiovascular changes in fighting to emotion and exercise. Journal of Physiology (London), 1971, 212, 321-335.

Baccelli, G., Mancia, G., and Adams, D.B. Le modificazioni emodinamiche presenti durante l'esercizio muscolare limitato alla sola parte enteriore del corpo nel gatto. Bol. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 1969, 45, 119-120. (paper copy only)

Mancia, G., Baccelli, G., and Adams, D.B. Caratteristiche della vasodilatazione del distretto iliaco esterno durante l'estensione ed altri tipi di movimento spontaneo dell'arto posteriore nel gatto non anestetizzato. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 1969, 45, 121-122. (paper copy only)

Baccelli, G., Mancia, G., and Adams, D.B. Variazone vasomotorie nel distretto mesenterico superiore in risposta a riduzioni locali di flusso. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper., 1969, 45, 123-124. (paper copy only)

Animal Behaviour

Adams, D.B., Cowan, C.W., Marshall, M.E., and Stark, J. Competitive and territorial fighting: Two types of offense in the rat. Physiology and Behavior, 1994, 55:247-254. (on Internet at )

Zhvania, Z., Gugushvili, D., Roitbak, T., Betaneli, N., Tsotskhalashvili, G., and Adams, D. Laboratory study of tunnel construction by rats. Reports of Georgian Academy of Sciences (USSR) 1983/1984.

Poshivalov, V.P., and Adams, D.B. Russian-English dictionary of ethological and pharmaco-ethological terminology with an atlas of acts and postures of laboratory rodents. Unpublished manuscript, 1984. (paper copy only)

Lee, S., Mitchell, J., and Adams, D.B. An empirical study of the patrol/marking motivational system in rats. Physiology and Behavior, 1984, 32:565-573.

Adams, D.B. Motivational systems of social behavior in male rats and stumptail macaques: Are they homologous? Aggressive Behavior, 1981, 7:5-18. Preliminary report published in Aggressive Behavior, 1980, 6:267 (abstract). (on Internet at )

Adams, D.B., and Schoel, W.M. A statistical analysis of the social behavior of the male stumptail macaque (Macaca arctoides). American Journal of Primatology, 1982, 2:249-273. (on Internet at )

Mink, J.W., and Adams, D.B. Why offense is reduced when rats are tested in a strange cage. Physiology and Behavior, 1981, 26:567-573.

Lehman, M.N., and Adams, D.B. A statistical and motivational analysis of the social behaviors of the male laboratory rat. Behaviour, 1977, 61:238-275

Adams, D.B. The relation of scent-marking, olfactory investigation, and specific postures in the isolation-induced fighting of rats. Behaviour, 1976, 56:286-297.

Zook, J.M., and Adams, D.B. Competitive fighting in the rat. Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 1975, 88:418-423.

Psychoanalytic Analysis

Adams, D. The Demonology of Jesus. King's Crown Essays (Columbia College), 1960, 8: 14-43.


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Early Novels (note: These files are very big, so they may take a long time to load on your computer.)

Master of the House



Page poems, 1957-2019 Also available for purchase at Amazon.


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