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Because Wikipedia gets priority in google searches, I have been saying for several years that I need to put my various writings there. Finally, in 2018, I have begun to do so.
It's a slow process because new pages, and even minor changes sometimes, have to pass inspection by the volunteer editors of wikipedia, and they can be a sticky bunch. For example, one of my attempts, to put in a section on human estrus, was rejected by several wikipedia "experts," and finally I had to give up entirely to do anything with our paper in the New England Journal of Medicine.
I did succeed, after considerable exchange with editors, to put on a page for David Adams (Peace Activist). It even required tracking down the photographer for my portrait to enable it to be used. Here is the initial paragraph as of April 2018: David Adams went to Columbia University from 1957 to 1962, and then to Yale University 1962 - 1968 where he obtained his doctorate in psychology with a dissertation later published in Science Magazine as "Cells Related to Fighting Behavior Recorded from Midbrain Central Gray Neuropil of Cat".[1] Then, as Assistant, Associate and Full Professor at Wesleyan University, he continued working on the brain mechanisms of aggression, and initiated studies which would underlie the concept of the Culture of Peace. Concerned about the representation of aggression research by the mass media as showing a biological basis for war,[2] he worked with the International Society for Research on Aggression[3] to initiate a process leading to the Seville Statement on Violence which showed scientifically that war is not biologically determined and, to quote Margaret Mead, "the same species that invented war is capable of inventing peace." From 1992 until 2001 Adams worked with UNESCO as counselor, professional and director on the culture of peace, leading to the International Year for the Culture of Peace for which he was chair of its Taskforce. Since retiring from UNESCO, he coordinated the midterm and final Reports from the Civil Society for the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World and he has coordinated the Culture of Peace News Network and written books on the culture of war and the culture of peace. Adams lives with his partner Kiki Chauvin in New Haven (USA) and Normandy (France).[4]
I am still in the process of adding a page on "culture of peace". After an initial rejection by another editor, the editor Randy Kryn has been working for several months to help prepare it for publication. Here is what it looks like as of April 2018
In a number of cases I have been able to update existing pages, as follows (as of April 2018) :
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World: Here I had to change the very title, since it had previously been entered incorrectly by translating from the UN version in French which is not the same as the English title. On this page I added information and linkages to the World Report from the Civil Society which we had prepared.
International Year for the Culture of Peace: Not many changes were needed here, but I added UNESCO's description of the results obtained.
Culture of Peace News Network: Here I added most of the text as follows: "CPNN has grown in scope in recent years. As of 2018, the CPNN website is updated more or less daily (30-50 articles per month) with articles promoting at least one of the eight program areas of the culture of peace as defined in the United Nations Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace [3]: Education for Peace, Human Rights, Sustainable Development, Equality of Women, Democratic Participation, Free Flow of Information, Tolerance/Solidarity, Disarmament/Security. CPNN has English, French and Spanish/Portuguese sections. Articles in the French section or in the Spanish/Portuguese section are always paired with a translation in the English section so that all articles are available in English. At the beginning of each month a bulletin, available on the CPNN website, summarizes the major developments for a culture of peace and is sent by email to mailing lists in English, French and Spanish. CPNN is an all-volunteer initiative; additional reporters are encouraged."
Brain and Brain-to-body mass ratio: the brain page already had a link to my paper with Mink and Blumenschine: "Most vertebrate species devote between 2% and 8% of basal metabolism to the brain. In primates, however, the percentage is much higher - in humans it rises to 20-25%." In the page for brain-to-body mass ratio, I added a new section on "relation to metabolism" with a link to the figure on the left: "The relationship between brain weight and body weight of all living vertebrates follows two completely separate linear functions for cold-blooded and warm-blooded animals.[8] Cold-blooded vertebrates have much smaller brains than warm-blooded vertebrates of the same size. However, if brain metabolism is taken into account, the brain-to-body relationship of both warm and cold-blooded vertebrates becomes similar, with most using between 2 and 8 percent of their basal metabolism for the brain and spinal cord.[9]"
Seville Statement on Violence: I need to work on this since it is now dominated by sociobiological arguments claiming that war is biological.
Peace education: I added a new section on News about Peace Education, highlighting CPNN and the Global Campaign for Peace Education.
International day of peace: I added information from CPNN and from the Culture of Peace Initiative about the annual celebrations around the world.
1939-1957 Neosho
1957-1962 New York - Columbia
1962-1967 Yale - By What Ways
1967-1972 The New Left
1972-1977 The Soviet Union
1977-1982 Science
1982-1986 A Science of Peace
1986-1992 Fall of Soviet Empire
1992-1997 UNESCO Culture of Peace Programme
1997-2001 UN Intl Year for Culture of Peace
2001-2005 Internet for peace
2005-2010 Reports and Books
2010-2015 Indian Summer
2015-2020 Intimations of Death