Then, to make matters worse, the US convinced the UN Security Council to support its war on Iraq (the First Gulf War) and one had the terrible picture of B-52 bombers dropping bombs from high altitude that killed civilians in the name of the United Nations. It seemed only a matter of time before there would be a UN army under the control of the US and NATO to bomb any country with which it disagreed - a global tyrrany! In fact, such an army seemed to be proposed by UN Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali in his 1992 document for the Security Council entitled "An Agenda for Peace."
This was not an easy time, and by the beginning of 1991 I went into one of my periodic breakdowns. My body reacted with irritable bowel syndrome. After numerous unsuccessful tests at Yale, I medicated myself by limiting my diet to meat, rice and potatos (and later adding buckwheat crepes in Paris). It was three or four years before I gradually got back to a full diet.
I could not engage in "business as usual". I took a sabbatical from the university to go to UNESCO in Paris in 1992, and once there I proposed an alternative to military action by the UN. It was adopted and became the UNESCO Culture of Peace Programme.
Looking back now on the fall of the Soviet Empire (, I have come to realize that it has given us warning of a similar impending crash of the American Empire (