14 September 1999 Events for IYCP



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The Swaziland Civic Association and the University of Swaziland organized a workshop on a Culture of Peace (15 -16 September 1999). The workshop was opened by Prime Minister Dr Dlamini who expressed his wish that the beginning of the new millenium might serve as impetus and inspiration for practising values of peace and harmony within families, societies and nations, and invited participants to sign the Manifesto 2000. The Manifesto 2000 has been translated in Siswati by the National Commission.

The programme of the workshop covered a discussion on what is a culture of peace, and what does this specifically mean in the context of Swaziland. While looking at factors of culture and tradition that could be used to transmit messages of tolerance and peace, the meeting also focused on effects of poverty and er9sion of family cohesion and rising unemployment partly aggravated by the return of mine workers from South Africa. A lively discussion ensued on the responsability of the media to report professionally and help bring across a message of peace.

Among recommendations emerging from the workshop was the desirability of incorporating elements of peace education within the existing civic education programmes in schools and mobilising primary school teachers in this effort.


Tanzania joined other peace-Ioving countries in the world in launching the IYCP. In preparation for this occasion a National Preparatory Committee has been formed by the Ministry of Education and Culture in collaboration with the National Commission for UNESCO. On 14 September the Minister of Education read a press release regarding the IYCP in Kiswahili on the radio.


Le lancement de l'Année internationale a été marqué par une cérémonie officielle qui s'est tenue à Lomé dans les locaux de l'Université du Bénin sous le patronage du ministère de la Promotion de la Démocratie et de l'État de droit. Le Ministre, Harry Octavianus Olympio, a saisi l'occasion pour préciser que cette journée vient "comme une réponse aux aspirations de tous ceux qui vivent des tragédies à travers le monde". Replaçant l'événement dans un contexte national, M. Olympio a invite les participants et tout le peuple togolais a signer le Manifeste 2000 et a "poser les bases d'une culture de la paix et de la non-violence et placer la dignité de l'homme au centre de toute action."

"L'épopée de Djabatore" de Alpha Ramses, mise en scène par le Club UNESCO de l'Université du Bénin a clôturé la soirée.


Le Président de la République, dans un courrier adressé au directeur général, a exprimé son adhésion aux idéaux de la culture de la paix et son intention d'apporter son soutien aux activités qui seront mises en place tout au long de l'Année internationale de la culture de la paix.

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